I have started a group on Yahoo Groups (www.yahoogroups.com) dedicated to GXP's (search for "nc_gxp" to join) located in North Carolina. We could even expand it to parts of South Carolina and Virginia if we want a larger group. I envision a very informal group that gets together about once a month to work on our cars, to attend Charlotte Autofair twice a year (as a group, we can get our cars in for free and get two free tickets for driver and co-pilot), and to attend various Coffee & Cars events! No dues or officers...just good fun and fellowship. E-mail me at alphaenvirmgt@vnet.net or call me at 704-983-2302 (office) if you have any questions. I live in Albemarle located about an hour NE of Charlotte.
ps...if you haven't attended a Coffee & Cars event, you are missing out on a cool event! Lots of wild, exotic cars appear and the nearby coffee shop will definitely rev up your motor! Most of the attendees have probably never seen a GXP! We can fix that!!