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Thread: Need help with my headlights

  1. #1
    Member chevybernie's Avatar
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    Germany, Bavaria, 100km near Munich
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    Default Need help with my headlights

    Hello all and greetings from germany.
    I need help.
    Today i was at the every 2 years car check called TÜV. With my G8 is all OK, but today the guy who checked my car, - and he did the last 3 times, make me problems." My headlights don´t have a (E), or CE Sign in the glass and when switch on, - i dont know , how to say, if you park in front of a wall, then you have a cutline from the headlights and this makes a triangle up to the right sights. Each headlight. Mine have this to the left side. I had never problems with this. Now this guy give me time 4 weeks. If i dont change the headlights with other with CE, or E number and the wedge to the right side, it is not allowed for me to drive.
    Now: can anybody look , how it is at your car? Have your headligts anywhere the CE / or E sign and ist the light wedge up to the right side? Have i headlights from australia with right left side traffic?
    But my car was anytime registered in germany , gets paper and had never problems. Only with this guy.

    I hope, i get an answer.
    Thank you.
    Bernie from germany

  2. #2
    VIP Member G8 GT V8's Avatar
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    Can you take it to another inspection station in a different location to avoid this guy or take back in when he is not working? It's been a few years since I had my G8 and don't remember if it had CE/ or E on the headlights anywhere. Seems like a really strange requirement and like you should be grandfathered in since they didn't have any issue with it the last 3 times.

    G8 gone, but not forgotten...

  3. #3
    Member chevybernie's Avatar
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    Now i have found a pair at ebay from taiwan. Comes with E Sign. I showed the fotos of them to this guy and he accept it. I´ve ordered and i must say , this seller at ebay, calles crazythegod , writes me every day, if i get now, or not. But damned, the lamps need only 4 days to come to germany, but now the are at the Zoll border control and i dont know how long this needs now. I hope, all fits , when i get.

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