I've been thinking about how to do a contest (like no other) for a long time. Here are the rules:
To qualify for the contest you must: 1. Be a VIP member on this forum
2. "like" Demon 8 Designs on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Dem...42699285797333
Here is the contest:
Forza 4 for the Xbox360 allows for custom vinyl/paint jobs on the cars. I would like for members to do their best custom version of the HSV W427. This requires skill to do. I don't have the time to master it. I would like to have my logo incorporated into the design somewhere on the car. One submission per person so make it your best. Between now and NOV. 30th post your completed version on the Demon 8 Designs Facebook page and put your forum name on it. I will then take all the submissions and post them on here for a public voting from the members. However, all of the submissions should be published to your Forza storefront and I will buy them all.
The winner will get a free Iphone touchscreen kit. 2nd and third place will also get something(still working on exactly what)
Show me what ya got!
I will also use the winning design for various marketing(website)