I have a philosophical question for the Moderators concerning Product Reviews.
"Should Vendor be permitted to respond to product review posts (other than to correct errors of fact)?
If someone takes the time to post a review, they are relaying their experience with the particular product. Whether that experience is good or bad, it is the experience that they had.
If vendors are allowed to respond to these reviews, I am afraid that it will degenerate to a worthless series of back and forth arguments. And that may prevent potential reviewers from posting anything.
Let me show you a concrete example - I reviewed of the billet specialty catch can.
(Even though this post references billetspecialties.com, they are not the subject of this post)
A part of my review, I said I thought the anodyzing was uneven.
The vendor responded in a post and said that since the product is dipped that was not possible.
Did he just call me a liar?
Is he trying to tell me that I did not see what I saw?
I am obviously not going to respond to his post since that could start a useless disagreement that could last forever. And I stand by my review.
If on the other hand, if I had made a factual error in my review, I would expect it to be corrected.
One of my peeves with that *other* board is the 'special dispensation' that seems to be afforded vendors on the site. Is this board going to permit product reviews that are not 100% positive? And should a vendor have the ability to "review the review", so to speak?
I realize that this is a difficult question. (That is why I'm letting youse guys decide
If reviewers can post reviews without fear of being ("attacked" is probably too strong a word) by the vendor, you will probably get more honest product reviews.
There are other areas of the board where disagreements are expected and, it seems, even encouraged
And, hey, we will all probably get better products if the vendors will correct the perceived flaws in the product as a result of an honest review.