View Full Version : Blown radio fuse...

06-25-2009, 06:30 PM
I was prepping my GXP for its audio over-haul this weekend...During the install of the OEM integrator I believe I might have shorted out the Radio. I have no radio and no power from either of the 3 power cables.

I spent about an hour looking for the fuse tried F-15, F-4, the fuse on the side of the radio and a number of others with no luck. I have decided I was done crawling around in the dark for the evening.

Thus my question... Where is the "radio" fuse, or is there one?

Does anyone have any other ideas of then a fuse?

06-25-2009, 06:33 PM
I had the same thing happen and it was one of the fuses in the trunk above the battery. Don't remember the number but i think it was a 10amp fuse.