View Full Version : Tower Shops 7/3

06-21-2009, 04:44 PM
Anyone from here going? I'll be in the state next week and was thinking of driving down from Ft Pierce with my grandpa to check out the show. Be nice to know where to go and if there are numerous other G8s going so I could park with you guys. Lemme know!

06-21-2009, 04:49 PM
Actually I just noticed that PBIR is having a Fireworks night that friday, so I'll probably do this instead. Although I might want to head down to Towers on the 10th if I dont end up leaving to come back home until Saturday.

06-22-2009, 03:12 AM
I just moved pretty close to where Towers is located. Just give me a heads up and I'll be there. Typically the G8's are parked near the GTO's on the north side of the parking lot. Let me know whats up
