View Full Version : What to do with replaced rotors?

07-27-2018, 12:38 PM
A few months ago I replaced all four rotors and brake pads. The rotors were worn, may have been turn-able but I went with drilled and slotted. Anyway, I set the old ones aside in my garage and was wondering what do people do with them? Not trying to get any $$ for them or anything but it would just seem a bit of a shame to toss them in the garbage? Are they considered recyclable metal?

07-27-2018, 01:08 PM
We have bulk pickup in our community once a month. Scrappers drive the neighborhood looking for stuff like this and take it before the garbage people can. Do you have anything like that? If not, a metal recycler will take them.

07-27-2018, 02:55 PM
I work close to a metal reccycler and when i get an accumulation of rotors or other steel/iron stuff i stop by and drop it off. I get a few bucks, not much.

07-28-2018, 01:30 AM
We have bulk pickup in our community once a month. Scrappers drive the neighborhood looking for stuff like this and take it before the garbage people can. Do you have anything like that? If not, a metal recycler will take them.

^^^^^^ put them at the curb on trash day. If where you live is anything like here, they’ll disappear quickly.

07-28-2018, 04:34 AM
I guess I live further out in the sticks than I thought... "Trash Day" is when I load the pickup with barrels, and make the drive to the recycling center!

07-31-2018, 05:35 AM
1) look for a local metal recycler. some will pay you a bit for them some won't

2) failing that some auto parts stores have bins for scrap metal

3) call your local garbage company and see if they know of someone.

there was a time when I kept some 4+ rotors sitting in my garage at all times. I used to put them in a bag - in the trunk of the car when ice and snow hit around here. help with rear wheel traction - it did some too.

when I got as many as 10 or so sitting on the floor i would haul them out to the local metal place and often got 7 or so dollars per 100 lbs for them. walked out with 17-20 dollars most of the time.

07-31-2018, 03:01 PM
I curb them

Local guy comes around, I put the old chain link fencing I ripped out etc.

07-31-2018, 08:04 PM
I put them separate from the other trash and someone picks them up. I guess they can make a small amount of money selling them for scrap.