View Full Version : Cleaning carbon off heads

00 Trans Ram
11-07-2013, 11:49 AM
So, I'm in the middle of a cam install. Removed the heads to put in new springs, valve seals, pushrods, etc. My car has 144k miles on it, and there was considerable carbon buildup on each of the combustion chambers, and extending into the exhaust runners/ports.


I used some laquer thinner and a brass wire brush to get some off, but it didn't quite remove everything.


I wanted to remove a bit more of that buildup, so I did a bit of research. Lots of people seem to use seafoam. Some people mentioned Purple Power or Simple Green. But, the most recommended was Berryman Chem-Dip. I went to NAPA, and they didn't have that, but they sell their own version of "carb cleaner". I got 2 gallons of it, placed my head (and valves and rockers) into a Tupperware basin, and immersed it all.

Whoa!! One 30 minute soaking was enough to get off EVERY BIT of carbon out of the exhaust runners. It made the rockers and valves almost like new. As for the carbon buildup on in the combustion chambers, it removed a layer of it. When scrubbing with the brush, I got a lot of brown runoff. Soaked it again, scrubbed, and more came off. It seems that it only removes a small layer at a time. I'm down to about half of it is gone. I'll probably get the rest off tonight.

11-07-2013, 12:32 PM
Oil the SHIT out of everything up top now! The carb dip stuff is SUPER caustic if it's the same stuff I used years ago.

00 Trans Ram
11-07-2013, 01:59 PM
Yeah, sprayed it all off with water, then blew the water out with compressed air, then immersed everything in oil.

But, I think they've changed the formula recently. I was wearing gloves, but got a hole in one and never really noticed it. Only after a couple hours did I realize I had a slight burning on an open cut.

00 Trans Ram
11-07-2013, 02:00 PM
Also, I verified on the can that it says "safe for all metals". If it damages something, guess who is buying me new heads!

11-07-2013, 02:17 PM
So you're not milling the heads at all?

00 Trans Ram
11-07-2013, 02:29 PM
Nah. Not now. Thought about it, but decided it was too much money to spend all at once.

11-07-2013, 02:47 PM
Were you using a catch can?

11-07-2013, 03:49 PM
after doing head swaps with DavesG8GT, I noticed that all the work of cleaning up the heads was a waste of time when I pulled the car apart time after time...

00 Trans Ram
11-08-2013, 07:16 AM
Were you using a catch can?

Nope. Would that help?

00 Trans Ram
11-08-2013, 07:17 AM
after doing head swaps with DavesG8GT, I noticed that all the work of cleaning up the heads was a waste of time when I pulled the car apart time after time...

Yeah, I have a feeling it will be. Mainly, I started out just wanting to get rid of some of the ridges and such. Then, it became a fun project. However, scrubbing got old, quick. Basically, I was willing to let them soak in fluid while I did other stuff, but I was very happy leaving the carbon on there if it required actual work.

11-08-2013, 09:04 AM
nope. Would that help?

a lot yes!!

00 Trans Ram
11-08-2013, 11:50 AM
OK, so this brings up another question, formed here: http://www.grrrr8.net/Forums/showthread.php?t=5776&page=2&p=548461#post548461

11-08-2013, 01:30 PM
Nope. Would that help?

Yes. When I did my engine upgrade, I used the same heads. Although there was some minor carbon on the heads, there wasn't enough to bother cleaning.

12-07-2013, 11:06 AM
For me, the purple power always seemed to work alot better at breaking up the deposits when used with a stiff brissle nylon brush. I never had any real good luck with any of other the OTC dips and sprays at home. The purple seemed to almost work as well as a hot varsol bath...