View Full Version : Passenger Seat Removal

Zaphod B
01-25-2013, 08:45 AM
Hey, all - I haven't been on the boards in a while.

I'm having an issue with the front passenger seat in my 2008 GT. Part of the lower seating surface bolstering (for lack of a better term) has come loose, resulting in a higher seating surface on the left-hand side, and I think it's interfering with the airbag weight sensor's ability to accurately determine whether or not there's a passenger in the seat. I have a constant airbag warning light flashing, and whenever someone is sitting up there, when they shift their weight I get an audible and DIC visual airbag fault warning.

I've discussed the issue with the dealer and they are noncommital as to the cause, and tell me that at minimum I'll be out $125 for the seat removal reinstall. My non-dealer mechanic tells my that he had a customer with another new-ish GM product with the same issue, it wasn't covered under warranty, and the cost was $1200. Yikes. So I thought I'd pull the seat myself and take it to an auto upholstery shop that I've had good luck with in the past. My hope is that they can repair whatever's broken in the seat and that will resolve the rest of the issues.

Here's my concern. Under the passenger seat there's an electrical connector that has a warning concerning airbag operation. I'm hesitant to just unplug it without knowing what I'm doing. Is is OK to just unplug it? Should I disconnect the battery first?

I appreciate any help y'all can offer.


01-25-2013, 09:23 AM
Review this post for removing the passenger seat slider fix (http://forum.grrrr8.net/showthread.php?t=4579). I had my seat completely out of my car when I did this fix.

Zaphod B
01-25-2013, 10:57 AM
Thanks much!