View Full Version : Mid-Ohio Sportscar Course open Track Time

01-08-2013, 11:16 AM
ok, i have organized two track classes before for mid-ohio, but really have no time to organize and plan a HPDE class.

So, Mid-Ohio has now got a open track time in the evening on the folllowing dates.

Thursday, April 25
Wednesday, May 22
Wednesday, June 12
Thursday, July 25
Thursday, August 22
Wednesday, September 18
Thursday, October 10
They have set these up like other tracks have done and how they run their motorcycle track days. They have 3 separate classes based on experience and courses completed.
You can read more here: http://www.midohio.com/School/Course...pen-Track-Time

The time is for (3) 20 minute sessions for $195.

If I get help organizing this and we get enough cars, I might be able to get a date where we have the track longer, but will most likely cost a little more as well.

01-08-2013, 11:20 AM
I just heard from the guys from Mid-Ohio. I have to follow up on Thursday with another guy.

It sounds like we will possibly be able to get the whole place to ourselves again if we get 20 or so people and have it for about 5hrs instead of three. Depending on how many different groups we have 2 or 3 it will mean more track time.

We will have to pick a day that is not already on the calender, that I listed above. I won't know what day we can choose from until I follow up on Thursday.

I need everyone interested to hit up all their friends that might want to join in.

01-08-2013, 12:01 PM
I would love to go but have never been to a track day in a car. Only on an R6 which was very fun :)
Right now I only know how to go fast in a straight line, so is this for beginners as well?

01-08-2013, 01:05 PM
I would love to go but have never been to a track day in a car. Only on an R6 which was very fun :)
Right now I only know how to go fast in a straight line, so is this for beginners as well?

Oh ya, just like when we did track days with the bike there, it has a group for people that have never been on the track.:thumbsup: