View Full Version : Sea Foam for the Gas Tank

04-08-2011, 08:27 AM
I have been wanting to try this stuff to see if it works but I always put it back on the shelf. It says it cleans out the build up of carbon and injectors etc.

Has anyone used and like how it works?:hmm:

04-08-2011, 08:54 AM
I've used it for several years without any issues. Techron and BG are two more good ones.


04-08-2011, 09:06 AM
Ya I have used BG 44K for years and was just wondering if this worked and it is about helf the cost.

04-08-2011, 10:41 AM
BG? I don't think I've seen that in stores around here.

I have used seafoam in the tank for years in multiple cars. Have some in the G8 right now? works pretty well, althogh I haven't torn the engine down to check. on my last car, the heads are very clean for 65K miles.

I used to do it right before every oil change. why before, so that anything that gets into the oil sump, might get removed quickly during the next change.

04-08-2011, 01:24 PM
BG is only available at service shops and online as far as I know. It's darn good stuff. Seafoam has never left me wanting though.

Techron is another good one though.


04-08-2011, 01:39 PM
I used Sea Foam this winter as a fuel stabilizer with good results. As far as it's cleaning properties, I don't know if my engine runs any better now but it definitely doesn't run any worse. For what it's worth, I did get my best mileage ever on the tank after using the Sea Foam, but that may have just been the driving conditions. I'm not going to claim it was because of the Sea Foam but it could have been related.

04-08-2011, 05:31 PM
I will give it a try and see if I can tell any different, why not it's only $9 bucks for a can.

04-08-2011, 05:34 PM
Dump a can in. I go through 2-3 cases a week at the shop.

04-08-2011, 05:51 PM
Used the stuff, it has worked in cleaning up stuff when I need it too, not sure if I ever noticed an actual difference aside from it's awesome power to clean up gummed combi or EGR valves and dirty bolts.

As a side note though, I've taken apart all kinds of audi 30V V6's, Mazda I4's and Ford V8's.. The consensus is, even low-quality 87 will leave *very* few deposit's on the valves and seats even after 155K+ miles(in the recent case of my A6 with the 2.8L V6). use a top tier 93 with more than the minimum required detergents and you'll never need to use seafoam. If you flogg it WOT once a month, the gas will clean up injector ports covering that part of the fuel system too. Saying that, I'll probably dump a can in every 6months to year.

04-08-2011, 06:05 PM
I have been able to keep running 93 octane even though when I filled up yesterday it was $3.87 at Exxon. I spent $285.00 this week in gas and went over 1800 miles. Got 29.7 mpg and 28.5 mpg comming back from El Paso yesterday running 73 mph.

I am going to buy a few cans and dump one in the other vehicles.

04-08-2011, 06:09 PM
I have been able to keep running 93 octane even though when I filled up yesterday it was $3.87 at Exxon. I spent $285.00 this week in gas and went over 1800 miles. Got 29.7 mpg and 28.5 mpg comming back from El Paso yesterday running 73 mph.

I am going to buy a few cans and dump one in the other vehicles.


It's hit $4.05 @ the Shell close by, I declined the $4/gallon price for the Audi this time and moved down to the 7-11 where it was 10cents cheaper.

to continue however, top tier gas stations have enough detergents in their normal 87/89 to prevent deposits forming, and usually their 93 has a bit more-- enough to clean some up. So really as long as you're buying from texaco, shell, bp or a few other places that a top tier gas google could provide, you're OK. The Catch is these top tier places are normally 10-15 Cents more expensive, and because they have more detergents and less gas, you're going to make a *tiny* bit less power on them. Which is ~ $3 extra a gallon, not really something to skip on or complain about in the grand scheme of things.

04-08-2011, 06:13 PM
Just so everyone knows, Top Tier fuels whether they are 87-89-93 ALL have the same amount of detergents.

Deposits often and in most cases come from the PCV system. Use a catch can and good oil and you all but eliminate these types of deposits. Adding to the tank helps the life of the fuel pump, deposits in fuel rails and around injector tips.

04-08-2011, 06:29 PM
Just so everyone knows, Top Tier fuels whether they are 87-89-93 ALL have the same amount of detergents.

Deposits often and in most cases come from the PCV system. Use a catch can and good oil and you all but eliminate these types of deposits. Adding to the tank helps the life of the fuel pump, deposits in fuel rails and around injector tips.

Shell openly and directly advertises that V-power contains more cleaning agents than their regular 87 and 89 Octane fuels. Whether an inert Gas like Nitrogen actually cleans anything is a good question, but there's no doubt they're firm in saying you're getting more bang with v-power.

It contains the highest concentration of our technically advanced, patented Nitrogen Enriched cleaning system providing maximum protection against performance-robbing gunk in both conventional and modern vehicles. With five times the amount of cleaning agents required by government standards, it actively shields and protects critical engine parts and cleans up performance-robbing gunk even faster than regular Shell Nitrogen Enriched Gasolines.


04-08-2011, 06:44 PM
Shell sucks. I am over qualified to say that. I drive by a Shell everyday and go out of my way to go to Exxon.

Actual real world testing while I was in Georgia using a 2003 Mach 1(modded), 2004 Z71 Tahoe(completely stock) and a 2005 Impala SS(modded) proved this:

Using 3 tanks back to back with Shell, all 3 cars got 1.9 to 2.6 miles per gallon less.
The Mach 1 and Impala had unexplainable hesitations on light acceleration
The Mach 1 was .13 slower in the 1/4 and the SS was .36 slower (knock retard)

The Mach 1 was fastest on BP 93 best gas mileage on Exxon 93
The SS was fastest and best mileage on Exxon 93
The Z71 Tahoe was 2.6 MPGs better on Exxon 87

Last week I had a good customer come in with their 250k Camry saying fuel economy was down and it just didnt have the power it used to. Everything down to the cat and O2s tested fine. I asked them what fuel he used and it was Kroger or Shell as he got a discount at both places. I suggested use Exxon 87 for 2 tanks and let me know.

He called this morning after coming back from a trip he makes regularly. 3.7MPGs better. No more hesitation and lack of power was gone.

Alcohol content in some of these companies fuels is effecting these cars performance.

I personally only get gas at 2 places(both Exxon's) unless traveling. My gas mileage never varies and my daily driver is a 02 F150 with 100k.

04-08-2011, 06:51 PM
I'll have to give the Exxon in front of my neighborhood a try, as I just noticed they're on the top tier list lately. There's something about this place that has bugged me(a bit run-down, the lines and stations are old.. local corner, non-corporate station), but presumably the tanks and Gas should be OK.

Really the only reason I've been on shell for years is because it's really the only top tier gas that's available without me driving 20 miles out of the way(7-11, no-name and wawa's are plentiful though..), and I've always noticed that everything runs a bit less optimally on it. Was the sacrifice I assumed needed to be made with a top tier gas. Hopefully that'll end next week though. Thanks for the testimony.

04-08-2011, 06:57 PM
I'll have to give the Exxon in front of my neighborhood a try, as I just noticed they're on the top tier list lately. There's something about this place that has bugged me(a bit run-down, local corner, non-corporate station), but presumably the tanks and Gas should be OK.

I am glad you brought that up! Always buy gas from a hi volume station(lots of cars). I was using a Shell in Georgia that was on my way home. Then they built a brand new Exxon as soon as you pulled out of my subdivision. At 1st I thought "No way my wife is not filling it up all the way". Then after 3 tanks in the Tahoe I noticed I was going an extra 3 days between fill-ups. It was only 13 miles round trip, but 3 days is 3 days. That was when 93 was $1.19 for the Mach and SS!

04-08-2011, 07:01 PM
I am glad you brought that up! Always buy gas from a hi volume station(lots of cars)
This place is busy if nothing else, morning and afternoon rush you have to wait in line almost. I assume the theory is it's fresh and not sitting around for weeks/months?

That was when 93 was $1.19 for the Mach and SS!
ugh, $1.19, Don't make me sick.

04-08-2011, 07:05 PM
Hi volume locations rarely have bad gas as most make so much money off the C store that they keep all the pumps/filters etc in excellent condition.

Independents can use fuel from just about anywhere and get away with it. You will always see a Exxon labeled fuel truck at any Exxon.

Here is whats really funny! My Mom is retiring from Exxon/Mobil after 30 years this month and I hardly ever used Exxon until I tried it. lol

04-08-2011, 07:13 PM
Hi volume locations rarely have bad gas as most make so much money off the C store that they keep all the pumps/filters etc in excellent condition.

Independents can use fuel from just about anywhere and get away with it. You will always see a Exxon labeled fuel truck at any Exxon.
I may not try it then. All the times I can remember the truck @ this place, not once has it been labled Exxon(usually some transportation company I've never heard of, but not specifically Exxon), and the pumps/filters/inspection stickers and lines at this place are years old, and in need of repair to say the least. The lines at most of them are caking and the outer casing is flaking off.

04-08-2011, 07:16 PM
See if you can find one that is on a interstate or hi traffic area that is "up to spec"

04-08-2011, 07:18 PM
Here is whats really funny! My Mom is retiring from Exxon/Mobil after 30 years this month and I hardly ever used Exxon until I tried it. lol
lol, coincidence? I think not ;)

See if you can find one that is on a interstate or hi traffic area that is "up to spec"
there's really not much round these parts. It's mostly Garbage 7-11's, Citgo's, Wawa's, Raceway's and small chains. All the good stuff is 25+miles away in Virginia Beach :(

I'm going to have to resort to scouting google maps here shortly to find the hidden ones or actually go that far next time.

04-08-2011, 07:21 PM
No brainwashing here bro! lol

You don't have Mobil do you?

04-08-2011, 07:47 PM
No brainwashing here bro! lol

You don't have Mobil do you?

negative, its a proverbial wasteland out here. Im hoping there'll be some hidden gem somewhere in the downtown area or at least in the next city. I'll do some searching tomorrow for sure.

Panzer Leader
04-08-2011, 08:02 PM
Just ran a tankful of BG and 91 octane pure gas, no corn additive. City MPG showing 20.6

04-09-2011, 06:32 AM
Can still get the 93 no-ETOH gas here; different car on that fuel...dont think they sell a ton of it due to the cost...doubtful it has "Top Tier" additives,either...
Maybe a tank of that and some techron is in my future ?

04-09-2011, 07:34 AM
I have access to MOTORVAC chemicals since I sell Equipment. I actually just "DEMOED" a carbon clean on my car, perks of the job.

04-09-2011, 01:44 PM
I get most my gas at Exxon unless there are no stations. Oklahoma City has lots of stations that sell 100% gas and wow my car loves that stuff. Its a bit more but what the hell.
If it says Exxon the gas has to get what ever formula from the loading rack in the area. They have different chemicals at the rack depending on what company it is going to and it gets put in as the tanker is loading up.

Panzer Leader
04-10-2011, 10:57 PM
Well something is not right. My DIC is now showing 21 MPG in the city. And I thought that the ethanol vs. nonethanol was overdone. I stand corrected. The car feels completely different. not only smoother but even on the shift points. I am wondering would there be any benefit to running 89 or 91 octane 100% gas in the V6?

04-11-2011, 05:30 AM
Dump a can in. I go through 2-3 cases a week at the shop.

You know I've considered getting the larger gallon container to try to save money I just don't know how well it will keep.

Used the stuff, it has worked in cleaning up stuff when I need it too, not sure if I ever noticed an actual difference aside from it's awesome power to clean up gummed combi or EGR valves and dirty bolts.

As a side note though, I've taken apart all kinds of audi 30V V6's, Mazda I4's and Ford V8's.. The consensus is, even low-quality 87 will leave *very* few deposit's on the valves and seats even after 155K+ miles(in the recent case of my A6 with the 2.8L V6). use a top tier 93 with more than the minimum required detergents and you'll never need to use seafoam. If you flogg it WOT once a month, the gas will clean up injector ports covering that part of the fuel system too. Saying that, I'll probably dump a can in every 6months to year.

exactly I call it cheap insurance.

Shell sucks. I am over qualified to say that. I drive by a Shell everyday and go out of my way to go to Exxon.

Back during the 06 GTO national convention I was talking to Sawruk (I hope I spelled that right) and he was asking us what gasoline we used. Apparently GM engineering did a study back in the 80's and determined that Exxon made some of the best gasoline for engines.

Well something is not right. My DIC is now showing 21 MPG in the city. And I thought that the ethanol vs. nonethanol was overdone. I stand corrected. The car feels completely different. not only smoother but even on the shift points. I am wondering would there be any benefit to running 89 or 91 octane 100% gas in the V6?

I have said for years that Ethanol is bad. Basically its watering down the gasoline, think about it, if you are buying gas with say 10% ethanol and if Ethanol burns about a 3rd as efficient as gas then your fuel econ must go down. usually by about 7-10%. Now tuning for ethanol will make some of that back, but even so its watered down. Running E85 is a whole other matter.

04-11-2011, 03:06 PM
Good stuff. I can tell when I get 100% gas vs the 10% Ethanol blend and my mileage goes up some on 100% gas. I have used Exxon gas for years and a few other places that are name brand, never a no name station all you will get is trash in your gas.

stryker g8gt
04-11-2011, 04:31 PM
my last two tanks have been non eth gas 100% os so it says, cost is in ball park with BP and Sunoco 93............ my car is getting slightly better fuel economy. I just do not like that it is a no name gas station, but it does stay busy.

04-11-2011, 05:02 PM
At least they do not have stale gas sitting in the tanks.

Panzer Leader
04-11-2011, 07:28 PM
Only problem here is that all the major dealers, EXXON, SHELL, CHEVRON all have 10% Only major name brand here without ethanol is CONOCO. Don't know where the discount guys are getting theirs. Hottest Brand Going.

04-12-2011, 07:50 AM
I wouldn't worry too much about it. If you ever see how and who refines crude and where it comes from. you might be surprised.

Most no-name and name gas comes from the same refinery, now the no-name stuff might not have all the detergents or additives (water stabilizers) but its the same base stock gasoline.

Here in Memphis 90% of all gasoline sold comes from the Valero refinery. I know cause I've toured the place, they also make all the Jet A used at memphis International. Therefore I don't mind buying the slighty cheaper no-name 93.

04-12-2011, 09:33 AM
Here's a copy of the top tier gasoline providers in the US and Canada.

76 Stations
Aloha Petroleum
Country Mark
Entec Stations
Holiday Stationstores, Inc.
Kwik Trip / Kwik Star
MFA Oil Co.
Mileage Stations
Phillips 66
Quik Trip
Rebel Oil
Road Ranger
Severson Oil
The Somerset Refinery, Inc.
Tri-Par Oil Co.
U.S. Oil

Chevron Canada
Shell Canada
Sunoco Canada

Gasoline retailers must meet the high TOP TIER standards with all grades of gasoline to be approved by the automakers as providing TOP TIER Detergent Gasoline.

In addition, all gasoline outlets carrying the brand of the approved retailer must meet the TOP TIER standards.

Additional gasoline retailers are added to the TOP TIER list as they meet the standards.

The intention of the TOP TIER Detergent Gasoline standards is to create a winning situation for gasoline retailers, auto manufacturers and drivers. Currently, many gasoline retailers provide fuels with lower-quality additive packages that can build up deposits on fuel injectors and on intake valves. Others can build up deposits in combustion chambers and may lead to intake valve sticking. These lower levels of additives can have negative impacts on engine performance and vehicle responsiveness.

04-12-2011, 10:21 AM
^ that all came off some top tier marketing website didn't it? :loser:

04-12-2011, 02:21 PM
Just put a can in my tank. Went to Wal-Mart and they had one can on the shelf. Sold for $7.77 and went to a Auto Zone they wanted $9.99. I have some good driving tomorrow and see if I can tell anything with it in the tank.

They had a gallon of it for around $54.00.

Panzer Leader
04-12-2011, 05:41 PM
Still at 21 MPG in city.

04-25-2011, 05:58 PM
mine sometimes pings with shell 91. with chevron 91 it does not. those are the only top tier companies in tucson. they have the circle ks and seven elevens here. they used to be union 76. i do not think they are union 76 dealers any more even though the icons in terms of design and color are the same of the former.

04-26-2011, 01:57 PM
It seemed to work when I put in the tank. I have a few extra cans. Plan to put a can in every month.

04-26-2011, 02:06 PM
Don't over do it. 1 can every oil change (6,000 miles) is plenty. Too much of anything isn't good. You start having O2 sensor issues due to coating caused by excessive additives.

04-26-2011, 04:48 PM
I do a Royal Purple and filter change almost every month or so. I run a good 6-8K a month. Thanks GRRRR8, I'll save it for every 2 oil changes.

Funny it does not work that way with sex.:thumbsup:

05-01-2011, 05:09 PM
At about 170K miles, my Honda van began to run with an almost constant ping. I had been running 7-11, 87 octane for a couple of years. I switched to high octane BP and still had the ping after two tanks. For the next two tanks, I ran the same gas, but added SeaFoam to both the tank and crankcase, as recommended on the bottle. Ping is gone. I stick with BP 87 octane now.

05-01-2011, 05:42 PM
The stuff is good and the price i right also. This and BG 44K are great products.

05-08-2011, 01:49 PM
O'Rielly's has it on sale for buy 2 get 1 free so I grabbed a can for the GXP and one for the wife's Taurus. What's everyone's thoughts on adding it to the oil?

05-08-2011, 02:28 PM
Depends on how the car was maintained and the quality of the oil filter. That loosened stuff has to go somewhere. I've never used it in the crankcase

05-08-2011, 04:15 PM
IN the engine would kind of scare me, unless the engine did not have good oil and oil changes, then a good douching would be good for it I would think.

05-08-2011, 04:41 PM
Depends on how the car was maintained and the quality of the oil filter. That loosened stuff has to go somewhere. I've never used it in the crankcase

IN the engine would kind of scare me, unless the engine did not have good oil and oil changes, then a good douching would be good for it I would think.

Kind of how I feel. I have no idea how the previous owner cared for the engine (Car is immaculate but that doesn't mean much when it comes to engine maintenance) so I think I'll follow what I've found on a few other forums; to add it and let the car idle for 15 minutes and then allow the oil to drain till it's no longer dripping.

05-09-2011, 07:14 AM
That is what I would do also, but not drive it around.

05-09-2011, 07:37 AM
Kind of how I feel. I have no idea how the previous owner cared for the engine (Car is immaculate but that doesn't mean much when it comes to engine maintenance) so I think I'll follow what I've found on a few other forums; to add it and let the car idle for 15 minutes and then allow the oil to drain till it's no longer dripping.

Now that is about how I would do it. Little worried about the DOD hardware so I certainly wouldn't rev it as you would be artificially thinning the oil. but right before a change and just for a few minutes.

Not the pour in, run for a week or so , like I have heard people recommend. On a car with less than say 70K most city or 130K highway or 7 years I wouldn't really worry too much. Might as well pull the pan.

05-11-2011, 05:10 PM
As far as adding the Sea Foam to the engine oil, I *think* the idea is that it evaporates and gets vacuumed through the PVC, in to the intake manifold and then into the cylinders. This cleans out that path, including the residue that builds up in the manifold. So, in the gas take cleans out the path after the injectors and in the crankcase cleans out the path before the injectors ... maybe/hopefully.

05-14-2011, 11:19 AM
Want to be sure... you just buy a can, pour it in the gas tank through fill cap, and drive regularly? Do this once every 6k-10k miles? That simple?

Edit: Guess so, I tossed a can in! (minus the can, of course) :-)

07-09-2011, 12:33 PM
Marvel mystery oil works wonders in the fuel and BP 93 make my G8 run like a top I get better millage and better performance. I tested my theroy on my wifes car.
I filled her car with BP 93 with out telling her and she c ame to ma and asked if i had worked n her car! it ran so well!

07-09-2011, 12:54 PM
I run it through the brake booster line with the car running. Last time I did it on my car was right before I put my catch can on to clean out the intake manifold and all that and then changed the oil a couple hours later...The reason to put it in the engine oil would be to clean some sludge up, I wouldn't leave it in there though for more then that day...Never thought of putting it in the gas tank, there is usually enough additives and cleaners in mainstream gas that I wouldn't worry about it, maybe once a year or so... I got wind of using this when we started getting misfire problems on the new 3.6 direct injections from carbon build up and people granny driving there vehicles, a can of this through the brake booster and a good highway run would solve it...