View Full Version : Drive a Lincoln MKX, MKS or MKZ for 2 days for free

02-08-2011, 07:47 PM
If you are in a market for a new car you can test drive one of these for free for two days, includes a tank of gas, unlimited miles and insurance.

This is limited to to people near miami and NYC.

Heres the link (https://www.lincolntestdrive.com/Registration.aspx?srccode=320893-002&bannerid=738599|57342855|233469634|0&referrer=N3016.yahooInc).

travis gore
02-09-2011, 02:46 AM
if they were not so fugly they might be easier to sell.

02-09-2011, 05:50 AM
The MKS is far from ugly. As a matter of fact, it's one of the best looking full size luxury cars on the road today. It's downright gorgeous. The MKZ isn't bad looking either and the MKX is attractive. Only the MKT is questionable in that they didn't have to make the grill quite so large. But the MKS? Heavenly!

02-09-2011, 06:58 AM
I think they're ugly too. The new Lincoln grille is just way too big for my taste.

02-10-2011, 05:53 AM
I think they're ugly too. The new Lincoln grille is just way too big for my taste.

It's called big, BOLD, in-your-face aggressive, take no prisoners, no nonsense American luxury. It says "Yeah, that's right. Look at me! I've arrived pal, and I'm commanding the attention."
It's very much like the hot model making her way down the runway. Everyone notices.

02-10-2011, 07:28 AM
It's called big, BOLD, in-your-face aggressive, take no prisoners, no nonsense American luxury. It says "Yeah, that's right. Look at me! I've arrived pal, and I'm commanding the attention."
It's very much like the hot model making her way down the runway. Everyone notices.

... Who on Earth are you and where did you come from? You have two posts total, and you've posted twice in this thread. Did you sign up for this thread?

But I gotta say, I generally agree with the sentiment of the other posters in this thread. The tail end of the MKX writes checks that its front end can't cash; the MKS is nice but generic; the MKT looks lumpy and, at first glance, is almost indistinguishable from the MKX; and I'm amazed they even still sell the Town Car considering that the platform is a dinosaur. The MKZ is the only car Lincoln makes that I'd be remotely interested in, though putting the new corporate grille on it was a mistake. The MKZ looked better before Lincoln's current designers got their hands on it. That is, back when it was still called the Zephyr.

Lincoln has been languishing for lack of attention from Ford, and it shows. Try as they might by adding techno music to their commercials, they're still no competitor to Cadillac or even Buick. At this rate, I doubt they ever will be.

travis gore
02-10-2011, 08:09 AM
... Who on Earth are you and where did you come from? You have two posts total, and you've posted twice in this thread. .

:) he must sell Lincolns

02-10-2011, 11:09 AM
:) he must sell Lincolns

The sad thing is what popped into my head was, "Who is your daddy, and what does he do?" Ah, Schwarzengger...

02-11-2011, 07:23 AM
The sad thing is what popped into my head was, "Who is your daddy, and what does he do?" Ah, Schwarzengger...
I don't sell cars. But I sure as hell know them. Quality wise, Lincoln's got both Cadilac AND Buick beat. Style wise, well that's in the eye of the beholder. I happen to like both Buick's and Caddy's styling. And with the exception of the MKT, I love Lincoln's styling. The MKZ looks so much better wearing the newer bow-wave split wing grill than it ever did as the Zephyr. The grill is too big and too wide on the MKT, but other than that, it works very well for the other three models. It's a modern adaptation of the old 41 Continental Cabriolet grill. And again, in my opinion, stunning. Makes a very confident styling statement. And in case you haven't heard, the Town Car goes bye-bye after this model year.

02-11-2011, 08:27 AM
And in case you haven't heard, the Town Car goes bye-bye after this model year.

Good! Now get over into the intro forum and say Hi! :poke:

02-12-2011, 04:46 AM
Good! Now get over into the intro forum and say Hi! :poke:

Little bit too busy actually. So I'll say it from here. Hi. G8 and Camero not my primary focus at this point although I once had an '88 Trans Am GTA and the '89 20th anniversary Trans Am with the turbo. Loved them both.

02-12-2011, 05:00 AM
Google "Paul Richards Lincoln".... He posts on every forum and responds to every article about the new Lincolns. Not sure what his motivation is though.

02-12-2011, 05:27 AM
It has that ford truck in your face grill.... A caddy is sexy, especially if its a CTS-V.

02-12-2011, 06:20 AM
Google "Paul Richards Lincoln".... He posts on every forum and responds to every article about the new Lincolns. Not sure what his motivation is though.

To educate. And to set the record straight where I see inaccuracies being bantered about.

02-12-2011, 06:42 AM
And what is your affiliation with Lincoln? Work in marketing? Design?

travis gore
02-12-2011, 06:52 AM
To educate. And to set the record straight where I see inaccuracies being bantered about.

you can't change my opinion about the style.

02-12-2011, 07:05 AM
you can't change my opinion about the style.

I back up Travis on this statement. You can let me drive one for a month and I still would think the from fascia looks like a mustache.

Lincoln Might as well say "free mustache rides ..try me"

02-12-2011, 07:10 AM
you can't change my opinion about the style.

There you have it, Travis. I wouldn't want you to change your opinion any more than I'd want you to try and change mine. Because that's all styling is. Opinions.

02-12-2011, 07:11 AM
No affiliation with ANY car company.
And what is your affiliation with Lincoln? Work in marketing? Design?

travis gore
02-12-2011, 07:16 AM
Little bit too busy actually. So I'll say it from here. Hi. G8 and Camero not my primary focus
well it is our primary focus :) BTW Hello

To educate. And to set the record straight where I see inaccuracies being bantered about.

where are the inaccuracies? All I see is members opinons on style.

02-12-2011, 07:21 AM
Google "Paul Richards Lincoln".... He posts on every forum and responds to every article about the new Lincolns. Not sure what his motivation is though.

Maybe he owns stock in Ford/Lincoln. It is his way of pushing the old people cars on the performance enthusiast members here.

02-12-2011, 07:36 AM
I used to own a 2005 Lincoln LS V8 and loved that car and its styling. If I were to get into a new Lincoln again it would be the MKS but it would have to be the one with the Ecoboost engine. Very nice!

I would totally sport a MKS for 2 days, especially if it were free!

02-12-2011, 09:50 AM
Maybe he owns stock in Ford/Lincoln. It is his way of pushing the old people cars on the performance enthusiast members here.
See, Travis? There's an inaccuracy right there. And a major misconception. If this guy can honestly tell me the new MKX, the MKZ or especially the MKS are old people's cars, he seriously needs to take a closer look and get a much better clue.
That's as ridiculous a statement as saying the imports from Japan are of better quality than Detroit's. It's just not true anymore. It might have been at one time, but not any longer. Some people are just painfully slow to learn. Take the blinders off, dude.:cool2:

02-12-2011, 10:01 AM
I used to own a 2005 Lincoln LS V8 and loved that car and its styling. If I were to get into a new Lincoln again it would be the MKS but it would have to be the one with the Ecoboost engine. Very nice!

I would totally sport a MKS for 2 days, especially if it were free!
I agree, Robert. Ecoboost all the way. That engine would put a shit eatin' grin on your face that you'd find impossible to erase. You gotta see the look on people as I waste them (absolutely WASTE them)with my back pinned up against the seat! To see this 4300 pound luxury sedan destroy them is a kick you don't get tired of.

02-12-2011, 10:57 AM
I have to say I wouldn't consider them older people vehicles just like people who call Buick senior citizen movers ..I feel the newer versions of both makes are engineered towards the younger crowds now. My neighbor has a 09 MKX ..its really nice ..very luxury.

The sedans are more luxury sleepers than performance .. the Eco boost has the balls but the car is really made for touring/luxury.

I love my G8 because here is a sedan that has balls up the kazoo for stock performance. The handling compared with 50-60k vehicles is right on, the braking is also comparable to these high end cars. Its definitely a performance sedan at a great price! ..Does it have the luxuries ..no .. but why have all these electronic luxuries that eventually will shit the bed and cost tons to fix down the road? This is just my opinion of course.

Honestly my problem is the nose.. Rich I respect your enthusiasm on the looks but I still cannot look past the grills on all of them. Looks like a mustache IMO ..
I'm 42 and married & my wife feels the same way. We are possibly in the market for a cross over or SUV but cannot see myself with a sign in the back that says free mustache rides ..sorry had to say that again. :whistle:

02-12-2011, 11:43 AM
I have to say I wouldn't consider them older people vehicles just like people who call Buick senior citizen movers ..I feel the newer versions of both makes are engineered towards the younger crowds now. My neighbor has a 09 MKX ..its really nice ..very luxury.

The sedans are more luxury sleepers than performance .. the Eco boost has the balls but the car is really made for touring/luxury.

I love my G8 because here is a sedan that has balls up the kazoo for stock performance. The handling compared with 50-60k vehicles is right on, the braking is also comparable to these high end cars. Its definitely a performance sedan at a great price! ..Does it have the luxuries ..no .. but why have all these electronic luxuries that eventually with shit the bed and cost tons to fix down the road? This is just my opinion of course.

Honestly my problem is the nose.. Rich I respect your enthusiasm on the looks but I still cannot look past the grills on all of them. I'm 42 and married & my wife feels the same way. We are possibly in the market for a cross over or SUV but cannot see myself with a sign in the back that says free mustache rides ..sorry had to say that again. :whistle:To each his own, MongosG8. And I respect you. The grill on the MKS is what solidified the deal for me. I just had to have it. It really just screamed LINCOLN to me. Beauitful flowing chrome waterfall grill. I just ate it up. And everyone who sees it comments on how classy it looks in person.

02-12-2011, 02:44 PM
See, Travis? There's an inaccuracy right there. And a major misconception. If this guy can honestly tell me the new MKX, the MKZ or especially the MKS are old people's cars, he seriously needs to take a closer look and get a much better clue.
That's as ridiculous a statement as saying the imports from Japan are of better quality than Detroit's. It's just not true anymore. It might have been at one time, but not any longer. Some people are just painfully slow to learn. Take the blinders off, dude.:cool2:
My blinders are off and "MY OPINION" , the styling looks like you should be collecting social security to drive one. My advice to you is , relax and go take your Geritol. I have my opinions (just like you stated earlier) and you walk in acting like Lincoln is top car manf. You should know people will challenge you on that. I will agree the eco boost is good motor and I will also agree that you're an ASS WIPE.
Lastly, why are you trying to bring Travis into this?

02-12-2011, 04:20 PM

02-12-2011, 07:08 PM
and I will also agree that you're an ASS WIPE.

Seriously? What is with you kids who cannot have a civilized disagreement? Grow up and have an adult conversation for once. Last I checked this was GRRRR8, not G8board.

02-12-2011, 08:34 PM
Little bit too busy actually. So I'll say it from here. Hi. G8 and Camero not my primary focus at this point although I once had an '88 Trans Am GTA and the '89 20th anniversary Trans Am with the turbo. Loved them both.

To educate. And to set the record straight where I see inaccuracies being bantered about.

Seriously? What is with you kids who cannot have a civilized disagreement? Grow up and have an adult conversation for once. Last I checked this was GRRRR8, not G8board.
If you read throughout, he has an arrogance to him and he rubbed me the wrong way. New to the forum, he feels he can walk in and say Lincoln are better and he does'nt care about G8's or camaros. It is my opinion that he is an ass wipe and he has no clue what I like or who I am. I took an offense to what he was saying and I verbally spoke out.

02-12-2011, 10:38 PM
If you read throughout, he has an arrogance to him and he rubbed me the wrong way. New to the forum, he feels he can walk in and say Lincoln are better and he does'nt care about G8's or camaros. It is my opinion that he is an ass wipe and he has no clue what I like or who I am. I took an offense to what he was saying and I verbally spoke out.

If that is the case then why sink to the other persons level? Just seems juvenile.

I cannot blame him getting an attitude whatsoever considering the amount of attitude that was directed at him first by many a member here. It went from your basic shit-talking to making allegations that he had to be some sort of Lincoln stock owner or car salesman. I got an idea......maybe he is just a dude who likes Lincolns and wanted to post about them in a sub-forum "other cars lounge" dedicated for just this sort of thing. That's a real mind-boggler there...

02-12-2011, 11:36 PM
The problem with Lincoln is that when you look at one you can tell it's just a warmed over Ford..

Ford Fusion = Lincoln MKZ
Ford Edge = Lincoln MKX
Ford Taurus = Lincoln MKS

It's so obvious, there are no real changes to the sheet metal. All they amount to are Fords with different grilles and slightly improved interiors. And while there is really nothing wrong with this, it just smacks of laziness and disappointing lack of pride in their products. They make a half hearted attempt to set them apart from their Ford siblings, and badge engineering is a piss poor way to improve a brands overall image.

02-13-2011, 03:34 AM
I'd drive one for 2 days for free. I don't care if I think it is ugly. Paul Richards isn't the OP in this thread. Lets keep this civil so it doesn't get closed. You can find a way to smack down a Lincoln with being personal.

02-13-2011, 06:23 AM
The problem with Lincoln is that when you look at one you can tell it's just a warmed over Ford..

Ford Fusion = Lincoln MKZ
Ford Edge = Lincoln MKX
Ford Taurus = Lincoln MKS

It's so obvious, there are no real changes to the sheet metal. All they amount to are Fords with different grilles and slightly improved interiors. And while there is really nothing wrong with this, it just smacks of laziness and disappointing lack of pride in their products. They make a half hearted attempt to set them apart from their Ford siblings, and badge engineering is a piss poor way to improve a brands overall image.

Ford interiors are pretty darn good right now and much better than years past. So when you say that these Lincoln vehicles have a slightly upgraded Ford interior that really can be taken as more a compliment than anything. Allot of companies do this so as to prevent as much additional re-tooling cost as possible. GM does it too with the Chevy Tahoe/GMC Yukon/Cadillac Escalade as well as others. While the basic shape may be the same there are many large differences between them. The quality and fit of the interior is a large difference. The options that can be had are usually pretty different. I think the reason that you see more Fords having options that are closer to a Lincoln level has to do with the fact that they had been planning on killing the Mercury line for some time now and needed to have their Ford branded vehicles step in to fill that void too.

02-13-2011, 07:02 AM
If that is the case then why sink to the other persons level? Just seems juvenile.

I cannot blame him getting an attitude whatsoever considering the amount of attitude that was directed at him first by many a member here. It went from your basic shit-talking to making allegations that he had to be some sort of Lincoln stock owner or car salesman. I got an idea......maybe he is just a dude who likes Lincolns and wanted to post about them in a sub-forum "other cars lounge" dedicated for just this sort of thing. That's a real mind-boggler there...
True, but the "other car lounge" to me, is for members who own a G8, Camaro or Mustang. Why would he join this forum if he did not own one, maybe to talk smack? If you look at the thread 2012 SRT Charger in the lounge, some member stated they liked the looks, while other said it is ugly. Not one who said it looked good got mad and said we did not know what we were talking about.
I know you like the looks of them, but at least you are not telling us to get a clue and we are wrong about them being ugly.

02-13-2011, 07:05 AM
If that is the case then why sink to the other persons level? Just seems juvenile.

sort of Lincoln stock owner or car salesman. ...
I stated that and it was sarcasm.

02-13-2011, 07:12 AM
True, but the "other car lounge" to me, is for members who own a G8, Camaro or Mustang. Why would he join this forum if he did not own one, maybe to talk smack? If you look at the thread 2012 SRT Charger in the lounge, some member stated they liked the looks, while other said it is ugly. Not one who said it looked good got mad and said we did not know what we were talking about.
I know you like the looks of them, but at least you are not telling us to get a clue and we are wrong about them being ugly.

This is not just a G8 & Camaro forum it is a car enthusiast forum. I am a member of many car forums of which I don't own the model of vehicle that is the main theme for the site. Hell, I am a member of M5boards and post on there once in while and I don't own a BMW M5 or M6.......but I plan to within a few years. That doesn't negate my right to participate in that forum and I feel the same way goes for that other guy too even if he was a little defensive when bringing up his opinion. I suppose we can agree to disagree on this one and leave it alone. I don't want anyone calling me a shit-bird, shit-head, or whatever the hell that guy was called earlier in the thread. :poke: :cheers:

02-13-2011, 07:29 AM
To educate. And to set the record straight where I see inaccuracies being bantered about.

The problem is you can't educate with your opinions.

02-13-2011, 07:31 AM
See, Travis? There's an inaccuracy right there. And a major misconception. If this guy can honestly tell me the new MKX, the MKZ or especially the MKS are old people's cars, he seriously needs to take a closer look and get a much better clue.
That's as ridiculous a statement as saying the imports from Japan are of better quality than Detroit's. It's just not true anymore. It might have been at one time, but not any longer. Some people are just painfully slow to learn. Take the blinders off, dude.:cool2:

It's not an inaccuracy, it's a perception.

02-13-2011, 09:26 AM
Ford interiors are pretty darn good right now and much better than years past. So when you say that these Lincoln vehicles have a slightly upgraded Ford interior that really can be taken as more a compliment than anything. Allot of companies do this so as to prevent as much additional re-tooling cost as possible. GM does it too with the Chevy Tahoe/GMC Yukon/Cadillac Escalade as well as others. While the basic shape may be the same there are many large differences between them. The quality and fit of the interior is a large difference. The options that can be had are usually pretty different. I think the reason that you see more Fords having options that are closer to a Lincoln level has to do with the fact that they had been planning on killing the Mercury line for some time now and needed to have their Ford branded vehicles step in to fill that void too.

It's true, Ford is really putting out some great products right now. I'm not slamming the quality of the vehicles they build, I just think they need a better way to set the Lincoln brand apart from it's sibling. I don't like badge engineering when it's painfully obvious. And just because GM does it (though, not as much as they used to) doesn't make it right.

02-14-2011, 02:21 AM
True, but the "other car lounge" to me, is for members who own a G8, Camaro or Mustang. Why would he join this forum if he did not own one, maybe to talk smack? If you look at the thread 2012 SRT Charger in the lounge, some member stated they liked the looks, while other said it is ugly. Not one who said it looked good got mad and said we did not know what we were talking about.
I know you like the looks of them, but at least you are not telling us to get a clue and we are wrong about them being ugly.Why would I join this forum if I don't own a G8 or a Camero? Because, Vert, if you go back to the beginning of this thread and take a look, you'll see that it's called "Drive a Lincoln MKX, MKS, or MKZ for free for two days". It was started by Paramount. I hadn't heard about this offer until I came across Paramount's post. I was curious. So I read it and learned of the two day test drive offer. Then what did I see? The first reply. The very first reply. And what was it? A one sentence post with a reference to how "fugly" they were. That didn't sit well with me, Pal. So I responded. Sue me. It actually came down to basics. One person calling them fugly. Another person saying they're gorgeous. It was like, okay, I heard your opinion. Now hear mine. End of story, Vert.

Now, this 2 day offer (which I've learned is actually a 72 hour deal) is quite an opportuntity. If I didn't already have one, I'd take advantage of it. Anyone at all interested in a full size luxury sedan would do well to take them up on this offer and request the MKS. And at the end of the 72 hours I'd love to hear their honest thoughts. They're actually doing this to push the MKX crossover, though. You would have to request the other models and depending on availability, you might get one. But I would maintain, if one was in the market for a crossover, go ahead and test drive the MKX for 72 hours on their dime. I would love to play with the latest version of SYNC, the so-called "MyLincoln Touch" system. I mean, the previous generation is a blast. I could imagine what this one is like.

travis gore
02-14-2011, 02:37 AM
I see you are back Paul. So much for being civil. I am glad you found out about the 2 day (even though you say you are not going to take advantage of it) I am glad you love your Lincoln. Vert is Right about the Charger thread more said they were ugly and big fish front end then said looked good. I am sorry that I upset you so much by calling them ugly just my opinion. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and it does not make it right or wrong. The SYNC is very cool and the eco boost is a great engine so far. So have a good day and don't take it so personal when someone has an opinion

BTW: do you live in Chicagoland?

02-14-2011, 06:05 AM
I see you are back Paul. So much for being civil. I am glad you found out about the 2 day (even though you say you are not going to take advantage of it) I am glad you love your Lincoln. Vert is Right about the Charger thread more said they were ugly and big fish front end then said looked good. I am sorry that I upset you so much by calling them ugly just my opinion. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and it does not make it right or wrong. The SYNC is very cool and the eco boost is a great engine so far. So have a good day and don't take it so personal when someone has an opinion

BTW: do you live in Chicagoland?Nope, Long Island, NY. And it's true. This is where I learned of the free test drive offer via Paramount's post. No reason for me to take advantage of it, unless I wanted to give my MKS a rest and drive the MKX for 72 hours. Might not be a bad idea. And I'm not taking it personally, Travis. It's just, here I see a post about something to do with being able test drive one of three Lincoln models for a couple of days free and the first thing I see is the "fugly" bit and I go "Oh Man, that ain't no good. Let me get my 2 cents in here". That's all it really was. I mean nobody who just bought the car wants to hear that. That would be like me going up to the buyer of a brand new Aztec (when they were new) and telling him "that's the ugliest vehicle ever manufactured." He don't wanna hear that. Although, I still can't believe Pontiac, who was known for their excellent styling, thought it was a good idea to put that out.

02-14-2011, 07:22 AM
the first thing I see is the "fugly" bit and I go "Oh Man, that ain't no good. Let me get my 2 cents in here". That's all it really was. I mean nobody who just bought the car wants to hear that. .

That's exactly it. You own the vehicle and you don't like the idea of people thinking your car is ugly. However, you can go around posting on every single forum there is about how beautiful you think the car is, and it's not going to change anyone's opinion. When people see a car for the first time, they get an impression. That impression tends to stick with them no matter what anyone says. When I first saw a G8 on the road, I absolutely loved it and had to have one. If I had seen it and not liked it I wouldn't have considered buying one, no matter how many good reviews I read about it.

In your words, you said the grill is "BOLD, in your face aggressive" and "demanding your attention." Anything that is that "bold and aggressive" is going to have people who hate it. Just face it, not everyone likes a car that demands attention.

Personally, I hate the way the car looks. That has absolutely nothing to do with you, or any other Lincoln owner. I wouldn't buy the car strictly because of how it looks on the outside. It may have a great interior, eco--boost engine, SYNC, and be extremely reliable; but that's not enough to sell me.

Believe me, there are plenty of G8's on here that have gotten negative feedback based on appearance mods. You have to expect that not everyone is going to like everything and not take offense to it. You paid for it, so if you like it that's all that really matters.

travis gore
02-14-2011, 08:26 AM
Aztec "that's the ugliest vehicle ever manufactured."

we agree the Aztec was fugly :) it is in the top 100.

have fun with your Lincoln.

02-14-2011, 11:41 AM
Hey paul, you know who would be just super duper interested to hear your opinions on Lincoln?

These guys.... http://www.lincolnforums.com

02-14-2011, 11:53 AM
Wow, all this because some of us think Lincolns are ugly.

02-14-2011, 01:01 PM
That's exactly it. You own the vehicle and you don't like the idea of people thinking your car is ugly. However, you can go around posting on every single forum there is about how beautiful you think the car is, and it's not going to change anyone's opinion.

I own a '05 Forester. If i went around the internet trying to lie to everyone that it isn't ugly, I would never get a thing done, including changing the opinions of others.

BTW, this is a G8, Camaro and Mustang enthusiast site. IMO, really could easily be made to an American muscle site, as folks that own Mopars & Ecoboost products are here too.

If I had more time, and the offer was in my area, I'd love to try out a MKS.

02-14-2011, 04:52 PM
Why would I join this forum if I don't own a G8 or a Camero? Because, Vert, if you go back to the beginning of this thread and take a look, you'll see that it's called "Drive a Lincoln MKX, MKS, or MKZ for free for two days". It was started by Paramount. I hadn't heard about this offer until I came across Paramount's post. I was curious. So I read it and learned of the two day test drive offer. Then what did I see? The first reply. The very first reply. And what was it? A one sentence post with a reference to how "fugly" they were. That didn't sit well with me, Pal. So I responded. Sue me. It actually came down to basics. One person calling them fugly. Another person saying they're gorgeous. It was like, okay, I heard your opinion. Now hear mine. End of story, Vert.

Now, this 2 day offer (which I've learned is actually a 72 hour deal) is quite an opportuntity. If I didn't already have one, I'd take advantage of it. Anyone at all interested in a full size luxury sedan would do well to take them up on this offer and request the MKS. And at the end of the 72 hours I'd love to hear their honest thoughts. They're actually doing this to push the MKX crossover, though. You would have to request the other models and depending on availability, you might get one. But I would maintain, if one was in the market for a crossover, go ahead and test drive the MKX for 72 hours on their dime. I would love to play with the latest version of SYNC, the so-called "MyLincoln Touch" system. I mean, the previous generation is a blast. I could imagine what this one is like.
OK Richard, just to make this short, you are a newbie to the site so welcome. I might also add that I am sorry your feelings got hurt because you have an infatuation with an ugly vehicle.
If someone wants to call my G8 and mustang ugly, so be it. I wont cry over it, I will save that for a life changing event.
I hope you enjoy your Lincoln and maybe some day I will blow your doors off. :)

02-14-2011, 05:50 PM
I hope you enjoy your Lincoln and maybe some day I will blow your doors off. :)

If he has an Ecoboosted MKS all he needs is CAI and a tune to hang dead even or maybe beat your G8 and its current mods. But that is assuming he has the Ecoboosted version... Either way I would not get too cocky with your high 12 second G8 talking about blowing peoples doors off.

02-14-2011, 06:00 PM
Wow, all this because some of us think Lincolns are ugly.

02-14-2011, 06:35 PM
But that is assuming he has the Ecoboosted version... Either way I would not get too cocky with your high 12 second G8 talking about blowing peoples doors off.

He doesn't have the ecoboosted one... so a high 12 second G8 would blow his doors off :)

02-14-2011, 06:44 PM
He doesn't have the ecoboosted one... so a high 12 second G8 would blow his doors off :)

Buying a Lincoln MKS and not getting the ecoboost engine is like marrying a woman without tits. Yeah you may have a lady to go home to every night but you sure aren't having any extra fun at the end of the day.

02-14-2011, 06:45 PM
Buying a Lincoln MKS and not getting the ecoboost engine is like marrying a woman without tits. Yeah you may have a lady to go home to every night but you sure aren't having any extra fun at the end of the day.

LOL! He's not going to like that...

Now his car is "fugly" and like a titless woman! :facepalm2:

02-14-2011, 07:12 PM
LOL! He's not going to like that...

Now his car is "fugly" and like a titless woman! :facepalm2:

Oh shit he drives Nicole Richie!


02-14-2011, 10:18 PM
That picture is going to haunt my nightmares for weeks to come

02-14-2011, 10:25 PM
Oh shit he drives Nicole Richie!


OMG someone give this girl a peace of bread

Maybe some Weight Gain 2000? She would just puke it up anyway ..:barf:

travis gore
02-15-2011, 04:30 AM
that picture is going to haunt my nightmares for weeks to come


02-15-2011, 05:41 AM
He doesn't have the ecoboosted one... so a high 12 second G8 would blow his doors off :)It is indeed the Ecoboost version. Without going back and re-reading the entire thread, I'm pretty sure I mentioned that along the way. Never would I consider the car without it. So tits, I got!

By the way, I just went back and checked. I mentioned it on page 3 of this thread.

As a public service for those not wishing to back to page 3, I present for you that very post:

Originally Posted by Robert@KBXPerformance
I used to own a 2005 Lincoln LS V8 and loved that car and its styling. If I were to get into a new Lincoln again it would be the MKS but it would have to be the one with the Ecoboost engine. Very nice!

I would totally sport a MKS for 2 days, especially if it were free!
I agree, Robert. Ecoboost all the way. That engine would put a shit eatin' grin on your face that you'd find impossible to erase. You gotta see the look on people as I waste them (absolutely WASTE them)with my back pinned up against the seat! To see this 4300 pound luxury sedan destroy them is a kick you don't get tired of.

02-15-2011, 06:17 AM
It is indeed the Ecoboost version. Without going back and re-reading the entire thread, I'm pretty sure I mentioned that along the way. Never would I consider the car without it. So tits, I got!

By the way, I just went back and checked. I mentioned it on page 3 of this thread.

My apologizes... I thought that I read somewhere that you didn't have one. Here you go:


02-15-2011, 06:20 AM
My apologizes... I thought that I read somewhere that you didn't have one. Here you go:

http://specialfordjs.com/uploads/posts/2011-01/1294251476_129cc_boobs.jpgYou're gonna give Travis a heart attack.

02-15-2011, 05:44 PM
My apologizes... I thought that I read somewhere that you didn't have one. Here you go:


Uuuum, anyone suddenly thirsty for a glass of milk?

02-15-2011, 06:50 PM
Indy has two eco-boosted MKS's. The cheapest starts at $52,910.00. Add an intake and tune. Tax and license. What's that get me to? $56k? For That? No f'n way.
Let the MKS spanking begin.

02-15-2011, 06:53 PM
Indy has two eco-boosted MKS's. The cheapest starts at $52,910.00. Add an intake and tune. Tax and license. What's that get me to? $56k? For That? No f'n way.
Let the MKS spanking begin.

And it is still ugly and slow until tuned, forever ugly.

travis gore
02-16-2011, 02:04 AM
You're gonna give Travis a heart attack.

I hope they hurry

travis gore
02-16-2011, 02:08 AM

I just knew something good was going to come out of this thread.

travis gore
02-16-2011, 02:28 AM
I So tits, I got!]
That engine would put a shit eatin' grin on your face that you'd find impossible to erase. You gotta see the look on people as I waste them (absolutely WASTE them)with my back pinned up against the seat!
what has you pinned to the seat is called a seat belt.
just so there is no confusion this is what we are to be drooling over

ok I still don't see it:jerkoff:

enough fun guys he does have "active park assist"

02-16-2011, 02:43 AM
Now if this came as a STD option, then I would buy a Lincoln.

02-16-2011, 02:48 AM

Hmmmmmmm Yummy ..Popovers!! :thumbsup:

I can see this as an option .. Ecoboobs

travis gore
02-16-2011, 03:36 AM
Now if this came as a STD option, then I would buy a Lincoln.

I don't think those are standard. It looks like a 5-7k upgrade :) money well spent in my opinion

02-16-2011, 04:16 AM
Now if this came as a STD option, then I would buy a Lincoln.

I bet those things do come with an STD or two.

Unfortunately these are the kind of tits that come standard with the Lincoln...


02-16-2011, 05:26 AM
And it is still ugly and slow until tuned, forever ugly.Nope. And again, nope. Not ugly. And not slow with that engine. 5.3 zero to 60 and about 13.3 or so on the quarter mile. Stock!

travis gore
02-16-2011, 06:26 AM
^ Polo you are a sick man

02-16-2011, 06:36 AM

02-16-2011, 06:38 AM
Nope. And again, nope. Not ugly. And not slow with that engine. 5.3 zero to 60 and about 13.3 or so on the quarter mile. Stock!


02-16-2011, 02:22 PM
I bet those things do come with an STD or two.

Unfortunately these are the kind of tits that come standard with the Lincoln...

LOL, looks like he needs the grille from a lincoln to hold them puppies up.