View Full Version : David Taylor Cad GMC Service....hmmm?

06-25-2010, 03:23 PM
I just got my car back from having the rear carpet replaced at David Taylor....I brought it to them because I was in the area when it downpoured and my back seat floor board flooded. They fixed the leak and replaced the jute the first time I was there. When it was done they didn't reinstall the carpet to my liking so they said they would order me new carpet. On the first trip they put 7 miles on the car...which I thought was odd but didn't think much of it. They said it was their typical test drive.

When I brought the car back they replaced the carpet and this time there was 14 miles more on the car, the service manager said they worried when my overspeed went off at 75mph and the mpg were 2 gallons less than when I dropped it off. I documented the before and after with my phone camera. The service manager admitted to speeding with my car and said the 14miles were necessary.

I didn't raise hell, I figured I just won't take it there anymore.

My question to y'all is...Is this a bit excessive? Should I be pissed? I put the overspeed on just to see if this would happen. Go figure. They repairs seem good and it didn't leak in the rain today. What do you guys think?

06-25-2010, 03:29 PM
I wouldn't worry about it. If you got your leak fixed you're luckier than many of us.

06-25-2010, 03:31 PM
I would be a little pissed and probably would talk to a GM about it. Up to 15 miles is normal if they are testing for a issue that only happens when you are driving the car. They had no reason to drive your car for a interior fix. They owe you compensation IMO. If the leak is fixed, (although never having any issues myself) congratulations, as some have had a hard time with this.

06-25-2010, 03:41 PM
Why do they need to roadtest carpet?

Being a Master Technician I roadtest anything mechanical 3-7 miles. Most extreme performance work is 25-50 with the customers authorization.

I do not road test window motors/regulators, trim work, etc.

Someone took your car to lunch is what happened.

I work/live a few miles from DT and they have the feeder road both ways which would be more then ample for a unnecessary road test.

06-25-2010, 03:56 PM
They claimed that in order to make sure all of the harnesses and connections were replaced properly they had to drive the car. I still think that is a load of BS but I am not sure what I would get out of it. What kind of compensation can I expect? I figure I just won't go there ever again.

You guys think I should complain to the GM of the dealership?

06-25-2010, 03:59 PM
If any connection were bad the airbag light would come on instantly.

06-25-2010, 04:18 PM
So I should call the service manager on his BS? I am getting more and more pissed about this as we speak!

06-25-2010, 04:21 PM
I would call the Service Manager, General Manager and GM customer service. There have been a lot of horror stories about "when road tests go bad". Save someone elses car.

06-28-2010, 04:41 AM
DT parts dept. aint to bad but, the service dept. is horrible. I went in for two different minor things on two different occasions and each time was very unpleased with the service. They were very short with me and they took forever to do something very simple. I will not be going back.

06-28-2010, 08:17 AM
I will definitely not go back anymore, but I am trying to decide on a course of action to address my concerns with the dealership. I would like to help people avoid this dealership service if it is true they are shady characters.

06-28-2010, 01:13 PM
Well, I talked to the GM of service at David Taylor and he said the guys drove the car to make sure the A/C drain wasn't leaking still and when the overspeed light came on they didn't know what it was so they took someone else out for a drive with the car. I don't know I got anywhere with him. He said the tech was a laid back and clam guy that wouldn't drive the car hard and that if I ever brought the car in again that I will be called when test drives happen. Apparently he has never had a complaint like mine before.

I felt like I was on trial. I felt like he didn't respect my concern and there is no way they were in the wrong...so I guess I won't be using David Taylor anymore. If you can't trust them what good are they. I just wish it wasn't hard to find good service with GM.

06-28-2010, 02:13 PM
The first time I took my car to Demontrond for a hazard light switch fix I picked it up with 5 extra miles. I'm sure they took it out for lunch or a quick run but how can I prove it. Took it in a second time for the actual repair and this time I wrote down my miles on a sticky note and stuck it right on the rear view mirror. No extra miles that time. The service guy is pretty cool, I asked him If i tuned it would it void the warranty, told me to flash it to stock before taking it in and he'd take care of me. How far that goes I dont know but it was nice to hear. His name is Austin if anyone cares to know.

06-28-2010, 02:48 PM
Sounds like my old experience with my car last year... MR. A...

When I got the survey I marked it bad and expressed my concerns. About a week later GM contacted me.
I suggest you don't use that dealer anymore and make sure you fill out the service survey when you get it.

Well, I talked to the GM of service at David Taylor and he said the guys drove the car to make sure the A/C drain wasn't leaking still and when the overspeed light came on they didn't know what it was so they took someone else out for a drive with the car. I don't know I got anywhere with him. He said the tech was a laid back and clam guy that wouldn't drive the car hard and that if I ever brought the car in again that I will be called when test drives happen. Apparently he has never had a complaint like mine before.

I felt like I was on trial. I felt like he didn't respect my concern and there is no way they were in the wrong...so I guess I won't be using David Taylor anymore. If you can't trust them what good are they. I just wish it wasn't hard to find good service with GM.

07-11-2010, 06:38 AM
This story reminds of that scene in Ferris Bueller's Day Off where they leave the Ferrari California in the downtown Chicago parking garage!

07-11-2010, 09:17 AM
I talked to them about the recall for TPMS and brake light. He didn't sound all too knowledgeable about it. Needless to say, I am not choosing them. I may go to Gay GMC in Dickinson on a day off. I believe their Service Manager is mod friendly.

07-12-2010, 06:02 AM
dealerships live and die by the customer comment cards. Go in, fill one out. You will get a return call.

07-14-2010, 02:19 PM
DT is who I had handle the AC leak in the cabin that saturated my carpet for months. It took a long time but they finally got it right. I never noticed the mileage when I left it and picked it up from them though. I will never go to Beck & Masten. Options seem limited for dealerships in Houston. I need to start shopping out a Dallas shop to take care of me in the future.

Oh for what it's worth, I had such horrible issues with Beck & Masten that I went to GM customer service and played their game for months. The end result was a 2 year/24k mile free oil change deal. I wasn't pleased with the experience to say the least. Seems like the dealership can get over on the customer and we have to take it for the most part.

07-14-2010, 02:27 PM
DT is who I had handle the AC leak in the cabin that saturated my carpet for months. It took a long time but they finally got it right. I never noticed the mileage when I left it and picked it up from them though. I will never go to Beck & Masten. Options seem limited for dealerships in Houston. I need to start shopping out a Dallas shop to take care of me in the future.

Oh for what it's worth, I had such horrible issues with Beck & Masten that I went to GM customer service and played their game for months. The end result was a 2 year/24k mile free oil change deal. I wasn't pleased with the experience to say the least. Seems like the dealership can get over on the customer and we have to take it for the most part.

Hey man, good to hear from you...missed you at the autoX last weekend!

I have been hearing good things about Gay Pontiac GMC...anyone else?

07-14-2010, 06:24 PM
DT is who I had handle the AC leak in the cabin that saturated my carpet for months. It took a long time but they finally got it right. I never noticed the mileage when I left it and picked it up from them though. I will never go to Beck & Masten. Options seem limited for dealerships in Houston. I need to start shopping out a Dallas shop to take care of me in the future.

Oh for what it's worth, I had such horrible issues with Beck & Masten that I went to GM customer service and played their game for months. The end result was a 2 year/24k mile free oil change deal. I wasn't pleased with the experience to say the least. Seems like the dealership can get over on the customer and we have to take it for the most part.

Last night I was going to my mom's and a guy who has a red GXP that lives one block over from her stpped by when he saw me pull in. We shot the shit for a while, and he was telling me that his car is at Beck & Masten. His A/C unit stopped working, and they can't find the issue. He showed me pics, and they have his car completely gutted, only to to tell him the part they think they need, they can't get anywhere. 5 times he has had it to the dealer, and they can't fix the issue. I told him to register here because I know somebody knows what direction to point him in. He has a lawyer and raised hell to GM corporate.

In regards to your last paragraph, they seem to be playing games as well. I know he is going to be pissed if free oil changes are all they will offer him, though he may qualify for Lemon Law.

07-14-2010, 06:27 PM
Hey man, good to hear from you...missed you at the autoX last weekend!

I have been hearing good things about Gay Pontiac GMC...anyone else?

Yes, and apparently mod friendly, to an extent.

07-15-2010, 07:36 AM
Hey man, good to hear from you...missed you at the autoX last weekend!

I have been hearing good things about Gay Pontiac GMC...anyone else?

I think I'm retiring the G8 from auto-x...it's just too freakin' big and heavy to toss around like that. If they change venues and go to that road course I may try it again for kicks.

Last night I was going to my mom's and a guy who has a red GXP that lives one block over from her stpped by when he saw me pull in. We shot the shit for a while, and he was telling me that his car is at Beck & Masten. His A/C unit stopped working, and they can't find the issue. He showed me pics, and they have his car completely gutted, only to to tell him the part they think they need, they can't get anywhere. 5 times he has had it to the dealer, and they can't fix the issue. I told him to register here because I know somebody knows what direction to point him in. He has a lawyer and raised hell to GM corporate.

In regards to your last paragraph, they seem to be playing games as well. I know he is going to be pissed if free oil changes are all they will offer him, though he may qualify for Lemon Law.

Geez...I hate to hear about someone else going through a nightmare like that. The GM and service manager are absolute ass hats over at B&M. I had to walk away and never come back the last time I talked with the GM. Otherwise I may have ended up on the 5 o'clock news...HA!

07-15-2010, 09:09 AM
though he may qualify for Lemon Law.
I was going to mention this. This path has a terrible downside, though, as you end up with no G8. I would rather find a good AC shop and pay for the work myself, than have to take what is given to me by the lemon law and try to find another car for the price. I have heard that you can take warranty work ANYWHERE. Some research needs to be done to validate this, though.

07-15-2010, 11:49 AM
I've heard people talk about Beck & Masten as bad at service but I think they're talking about south because I get very little trouble and good work from the guys at the north location.

07-15-2010, 12:18 PM
I've heard people talk about Beck & Masten as bad at service but I think they're talking about south because I get very little trouble and good work from the guys at the north location.

Me too, which location were the other guys talking about?

07-15-2010, 07:12 PM
B&M North is where I bought the car and had the horrible service experience. Never been to the South store.